Xiamen Shuangyuan Springs Co., Ltd 'Blog

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Disc Springs are used in all types in all types of applications

* Machine Tools
* Automotive & Engines 
* Dampers
*Brakes & Clutches
* Hoists
* Vibrators
* Shock Mounts
* And many more applications 

 a)From the range available, select the largest possible Disc Spring compatible with the desired characteristics. This will assist in maintaining the lowest possible stresses, thus enhancing the fatigue life. In case of stacked columns the greater deflection offered by the larger diameter springs will ensure the shortest possible stack length. 
b) As a result of manufacturing processes, residual tensile stresses occur at I, the upper inside diameter edge, which will revert to normal compressive stresses when the Disc Spring is deflected by up to  approximately 15% of its total deflection. 
c) For Static or dynamic application, select a Disc Spring that, at 75% of its total available deflection offers the maximum force and deflection required. 
d) If the application involves large numbers of deflection cycles. i.e. "dynamic" application, or if the required forces or deflections are of a critical nature, we strongly recommend that you select from the range of Disc Springs that confirms to the DIN 2093 specification. 

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xmshuangyuan Published:2011-3-17 17:53:38
Categories:Knowledge of spring
Keyword:disc spring  





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Email: shuangyuan@springinchina.com    rosecn888@gmail.com
China manufacturer of gas spring,disc spring,die spring,lockable gas spring and compression spring